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Goldeneyes in the Creek 2019

December 2019

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This is what a casual observer sees from late November to early March in this stretch of Mission Creek. Can you spot the two species? Hint: One species is a single pair in this image....
Goldeneyes (Bucephala clangula) /(Bucephala islandica) Mission Creek, Kelowna, BC.

Haven’t posted since last March (2019)! But now that the gloomy days of winter are upon us again, I’ve got some writing to do! Lots to cover, but one topic at at time, and not necessarily in order of importance.

I’m slowing down. Turned 75 in June. Have been letting myself go, sadly. Until this week when I decided, once again, to get a head start on New Years Resolutions starting with a weight loss diet. Working great after three days! Lots of other activities as well. Those stories another time, perhaps….

I need to “straighten up,” as my dad would have said, if I want to keep doing what remaining beloved activities I can still do. Watching and photographing the ducks in Mission Creek in winter is one of those, and I need to be in better shape to get there!

For the past five winters, Common Goldeneyes (Bucephala clangula) have been my main target. They share the water with Mallards and Canada Geese, as well as late in the season, mergansers, both Hooded and Common. But for a couple of months, the COGOs are the main performers. This year, for the past couple of weeks at least, they’ve been joined by their Barrow’s cousins.

Don't worry, the shots get better with time.
Common Goldeneye pair (Bucephala clangula) in Mission Creek, cloudy day, Nov. 26, 2019

Saw the first COGO this season on Nov. 11, Remembrance Day in Canada, while walking with Nana, my good luck charm. Didn’t take the camera so that helped, too, one tends to think….

On the 26th, with only limited light, went back again and there they were — the usual raft of COGOs plus, I noticed almost accidentally as they’re quite unexpected here this time of year, a single pair of Barrow’s Goldeneyes, just waiting to be recorded. The COGOS seemed more hungry than were wary on this occasion and gave me pretty good access. The BAGOs were much less secured, but allowed a few shots. The light, however, was not what it can be, and the results while okay were not great.

Barrow’s Goldeneyes (Bucephala islandica) Mission Creek, Kelowna, BC. Nov. 26, 2019
The light gives the drake a purple cast in his head plumage…. Nov. 26, 2019

Three days later, I returned on a gorgeous sunny day and had some great fun with the COGOs. Sadly I saw the Barrow’s only in rapid flight heading downstream. I thought they might be heading south…. Hope you enjoy the COGO images. As you’ll see, I was beginning to get a sense of a dramatic relationship….

There's a certain look in her eye....
Titania (COGO) asks, “What iceberg?” Mission Creek, Kelowna, BC. Nov. 29, 2019
Toughest map ever!
Common Goldeneye drake: “Toughest map ever!” 191129
Juvenile Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) Mission Creek, Kelowna, BC. 191129
The Lady of Cawdor and her Thane. Remember your Shakespeare?
Lady Macbeth sips her bathwater….

So the scene was set for another visit. The good light, however, didn’t return for several days and it was the end of the first weekend of December before I got back to the raft. On this occasion, I was, I must confess, looking mainly for the BAGOs. I wasn’t disappointed. First I found a pair with a tagalong female. And a little while later, I found her bashful mate a little farther upstream. I spent over an hour during two sessions (went off looking in vain for a Dipper I’d seen in November) with both species.

“Cool place ya brung me to.” 191208
“Worried? Me? Never?” 191208
“I wish I knew where Bashful got to….” 191208
“Well this is illuminating!” 191208
“I keep em both on a string!” 191208
“What? What! I don’t see anything!!” Someone’s confused….

Well, if you thought there was some connivery going on with Lady Bago, these shots of Lady MacCogo should give you pause….

Lady MacCogo. 191208
Dark thoughts….
Common Goldeneye hen (Bucephala clangula) Mission Creek, Kelowna, BC. 191208

I was quite fortunate to get this shot of a BAGO and COGO drake almost side by side. Better shots of the COGO can be found below this one. One of my favourite features of this creek is the way the light plays on the water. In some cases, I’ve played with colour, too, to get the images the way I like ’em. If you’re a Purist, that’s your problem….

“We brrrr-o’s but not brrotherrs….”
“They call us Common, but don’t you believe it!”
Just reflecting….
“I enjoy reflecting on all kind of things….”

I’m finishing this post with a whole bunch of BAGO drake shots that I like. First, I was able to see more differences between the two in individual shots than in the pair takes. Camera angle may explain some of variance.

Pretty boy…. (aka Bashful the Wanderer, Bagowun)
“Ask me if I care….”
“Dang! Got a feather outa place!”
Random thoughts….
Bagotwo again….
“What iceberg?”
“It’s a challenge to be this cool!”
“What is that thing, and what does it want?”
“Don’t wanna think about it anymore!”

Hope you enjoyed the ducks. There will be more over the course of the winter, I’m sure….