Month: April 2017

Woodpeckers galore!

Pileated Woodpecker (Drycopus pileatus).jpgFor the Pileated portion, click here.

April 30, 2017: Among the birds that  determinedly “non-birders” can actually name, woodpeckers are popular. Most will at least recognize a Flicker (but don’t ask them to separate Red-shafted, Yellow-shafted and Intergrades, please), perhaps a Hairy or a Downy (though few can identify the differences), maybe a Pileated (although they probably know it better as Woody Woodpecker). Back east, they may have seen a Red-headed or Red-bellied, the former rather obviously named, the latter clearly not. They’ve likely heard of a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, yet never seen one, or any of the other sapsuckers — the Red-naped of the BC Interior or the Red-breasted closer to The Coast.

But there are many woodpeckers that “cross the border” into Canada that even regular birders have not seen. Lewis’s were new to me only a few years ago; in a way they helped to bring me to the Okanagan (click here for Lewis’s in another page). Acorn, White-headed, and Williamson’s were on my own list. Two of this group still are. Last week, however, the list shrank by 33%.

Distribution of Williamson's Sapsucker - birdsna.jpgActing on a hot tip from Richard Kobayashi, a fellow Kelowna birder / photographer,  who gave us the exact location we needed, we travelled south to Anarchist Mountain located near the Canada-US border between Osoyoos and Rock Creek, BC. About one kilometre north of Highway 3 on the Sidley Mountain Road, we found our targets right where Richard said they’d be, an engaging pair of Williamson’s, as well as three other species plus the usual bluebirds and wrens and sparrows expected in this region this time of year. We had a fabulous birding experience!

The property belongs to Ed Brouwer, an engaging fellow about whom I’ll no doubt write future posts. Ed was kind enough to allow us onto the property; without that permission, most of these photos would not have been possible. Nana and I are greatly appreciative of his generous sharing of the bounty residing on his land!

Williamson’s are relatively rare in Canada, found only in southern BC. In 2005,  in a Species at Risk bulletin, the Government of Canada estimated that only 430 birds crossed the border into our country to breed. The report noted that the species was in decline as habitat became threatened. More on that later in this post. Let’s get to the photos:

Williamson's Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus thyroideus)
Williamson’s Sapsucker male near Sidley Mtn. Rd., Anarchist Mountain, BC.

Let me say, right off the top, that the male’s wonderful colours are exceedingly difficult to capture with equipment such as mine. I didn’t fully realize this until I returned home and looked at the quality of my images. Trying to photograph both on an Aspen is a terrific challenge from a white balance / black balance standpoint! The good news is that I have more reason to return and try to improve!

Unlike many of our BC woodpeckers, Williamson’s are sexually dimorphic, so different in appearance that many early observers thought the male and female were different species! The image of the female (below) attests to why: (Click cluster images to enlarge.)


As we watched their behaviour, we noticed that both birds kept leaving the big Aspens to visit the bottom five feet of a nearby young Balsam Fir. Closer examination after they left it showed why: (Click cluster images to enlarge.)


We were ecstatic about the opportunity to examine their habitat so closely. But the story doesn’t end here. In fact, it was just the beginning. We also were thrilled observing the other woodpeckers of this small forest.

Having seen Red-naped sapsuckers up close four years ago, I decided not to pursue them this time. I will go back for them another time, I’m sure!

Red-naped Sapsucker from 2013.jpg
Red-naped Sapsucker near Merritt, BC, 2013. My best yet of this species.

Instead, I focused on a very cooperative and hard-working Hairy that allowed me over a seven-minute span (I departed before he did) to observe him drilling a new hole.

(Click cluster images to enlarge.)


We also got to watch a Pileated male re-excavating a nest hole while his mate observed nearby. That’s covered in a separate post, but here’s a teaser: 

Pileated Woodpecker (Drycopus pileatus) (5).jpg
Now what am I gonna do with this?


Ruddy Ducks showing off!

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Belmont Pond Ruddy surprise!.jpg
His flat tail indicates that he’s alone, and not looking for a mate at this time….

Every spring we look forward to the return of Ruddy Ducks from their wintering grounds to the south and west (jump to maps at the end of this post). Two locations where we have most success are Robert Lake on Kelowna’s northern border, and Birdie Lake at Predator Ridge Resort, a few km. south of Vernon, BC. In May 2015, we were treated to the appearance for a couple of days of a solitary Ruddy drake virtually in our back yard, Belmont Pond, shown above.

170423 Birdie Lake at Predator Ridge
Click this photo to go to a detailed map of Predator Ridge trails in a new tab.

Our most reliable site for these fascinating little narcissists is Birdie Lake. We discovered this gem about 10 years ago when my son was working at the Ridge and staying only a short walk from the ‘pond.’ It’s a great place for a variety of waterfowl and perching birds. This Spring we were even treated to the calls of Great Horned Owls (although, sadly, we did not locate them). While the RUDUs usually are best photographed in the small ponds on the southwest side, they can also be observed from the deck on the peninsula at the northwest end. That’s where we were able to find and photograph them this year: five bemused drakes and a single, amused hen.

We were treated to some very interesting, indeed, entertaining courtship behaviour from the males. The lady offered some encouragement — as the photos show.

Getting the colour balance right with these drakes is always a challenge!

Ruddy Duck drake (Oxyura jamaicensis)
I think I’m pretty balanced! Maybe you’re the one off kilter!

The Audubon Field Guide online, describes our little buddy as: “An odd little diver, the main North American representative of the group of stiff-tailed ducks, with spiky tail feathers that are often cocked up in the air. Usually lethargic, and seems reluctant to fly. On takeoff it must patter across the surface of the water to become airborne, then whirs along on rapidly beating wings. On land it is almost helpless. Flocks of Ruddies wintering on lakes seldom mix freely with other ducks, although they may associate with American Coots.”

Ruddy Duck drake (Oxyura jamaicensis)
Even sitting still, he shows that he’s ‘ready to go!’

Cornell’s Lab or Ornithology adds this description: “Ruddy Duck[drake]s are compact, thick-necked waterfowl with seemingly oversized tails that [in Spring] they habitually hold upright. Breeding males are almost cartoonishly bold, with a sky-blue bill, shining white cheek patch, and gleaming chestnut body. They court females by beating their bill against their neck hard enough to create a swirl of bubbles in the water.” And here’s what this behaviour looked like in the last week of April 2017 (Sorry about the low quality here):

Last look goes to Her Nibs, who looks marvellously unimpressed by the entire show!

Ruddy hen

I am the target text.

There is some discrepancy in the range maps of the three different sources below. Just goes to show that “The Internet” is not necessarily the arbiter of truth…. Take your pick!

Click to return to introduction

From Cornell, some “Cool Facts“:

  • Ruddy Ducks lay big, white, pebbly-textured eggs—the largest of all duck eggs relative to body size. Energetically expensive to produce, the eggs hatch into well-developed ducklings that require only a short period of care.
  • The bright colors and odd behavior of male Ruddy Ducks drew attention from early naturalists, though they didn’t pull any punches. One 1926 account states, “Its intimate habits, its stupidity, its curious nesting customs and ludicrous courtship performance place it in a niche by itself…. Everything about this bird is interesting to the naturalist, but almost nothing about it is interesting to the sportsman.”
  • Pleistocene fossils of Ruddy Ducks, at least 11,000 years old, have been unearthed in Oregon, California, Virginia, Florida, and Illinois.
  • Ruddy Ducks are very aggressive toward each other and toward other species, especially during the breeding season. They are even known to chase rabbits feeding on the shore.
  • Though Ruddy Ducks are native to the Americas, one population became established in England after captive ducks escaped in 1952. This population grew to about 3,500 individuals by 1992, and now appears to be expanding into the Netherlands, France, Belgium, and Spain.
  • Ruddy Ducks get harassed by Horned Grebes, Pied-billed Grebes, and American Coots during the breeding season. The grebes sometimes attack Ruddy Ducks from below the water, a behavior known as “submarining.”
  • The oldest Ruddy Duck on record was a male and at least 13 years, 7 months old. He was banded in British Columbia and 1951 and found in Oregon in 1964.

And a final note from the Audubon Field Guide website:

Conservation status Current population apparently much lower than historical levels, owing to unrestricted shooting early in 20th century and to loss of nesting habitat.

Let’s hope that restoration of habitat will help these peculiar and loveable little waterfowl!

Some goofy stuff for a change….

I’m known in a few places for my goofy sense of humour — my predilection for anomalies, ironies, childish imagination. So, if you’re not into such silliness, you’re in the wrong place! Run away, NOW!

But if you can tolerate a certain amount of not-so-serious-stuff, here’s a little to snack on:

Remember: if images show a Hand icon cursor icon, click to enlarge in a new tab….

Waterfowl who wannabe predators:

Last spring we saw a goose that was roosting on a cleanly topped tree trunk probably 20 feet above Mission Creek. Her mate (it had to be a female, right? It was during breeding season when all kinds of new ideas float in the air….) stood in the creek below, looking up as if to say, “So that’s it? You’ve left me for ‘a room with a view’?” Well, unfortunately, I wasn’t able to capture that situation (we saw it there a couple of times over several days), this year we’ve encountered similar phenomena again, several times in various places with different geese and a female Mallard.

April 13, 2017:

Cangosprey? (1).jpg
This pair of Canada Geese, wanted, I believe, to be designated Cangosprey. After Momma Osprey returned for the breeding season,  then apparently abandoned this nest on what I call the Lightship, these two landed here several times over a couple of days and showed a definite liking for the perch. I don’t think they had any intention of nesting here; it was just a chance to enjoy an AirB&B staycation in an Osprey’s domicile. They even chased off another goose who showed interest in renting the place. Eventually they moved on from romance to serious domestic duties, Momma O. returned, and life resumed as normal….

April 21, 2017:

While visiting Robert Lake, I noticed something plopped on top of a post of the white fence at an adjacent horse farm: on closer examination, here’s what I found:

Never did see how she resolved her situation.

Later that afternoon, on a quick visit to Munson Pond around sundown to check out the local North American Beaver, Castor canadensis, we also noticed this rabble rouser; I think her name is Forrest Goose. She spoke with a thick tongue like a great Political Science professor from the Philippines I was enjoyed:

2017: Closer to home, we have the ongoing saga of the Turtle Sitters of Belmont Pond….

Last year (2016), the duties fell to the Wood Ducks. Could be the reason they eventually moved to a different location to raise their own brood. For a bit, the job fell to Mergus Merganser….

And, in 2017, Mergus has a new mate, and guess who’s been handed the Turtle-sitting chores? You got it! Miranda Merganser. And Kilroy’s a year older and bolder….

Common Merganser female (Mergus merganser).jpg
“Look! I don’t like this arrangement any more than you do, Kilroy, but you will do as I tell you!
Now where did that dang Kilroy get to?!.jpg
“Dang! Now where did that little brat go this time??!”

Hope you found something to chuckle over, or, as the poet asks, “What’s the point?”

Wood Ducks — sheer beauty!

Some of you have already seen a large chunk of my Wood Ducks collection on the About this blog page that you’ve accessed from the banner at the top of the website! But, having been obsessed with these gorgeous waterfowl for nearly three decades, and photographing them for several years, now, I have more I’d like to share.

So, fotos first; discussion delivered at de end

From Belmont Pond 2017: if images show a Hand icon cursor icon, click to enlarge in a new tab….

Wood Duck (Aix sponsa)
Wilbur Woodie of Belmont Pond…
Wood Duck female (Aix sponsa)
and Wilma Woodie….

Caught them canoodling (WODU- style) recently in the smaller Belmont Pond. One of these photos was very well received on Flickr (Affectionate Wood Ducks).

Click on any photo in the cluster to enlarge all of ’em. Once enlarged, you can scroll down in a photo and click View Full Size to enlarge that image in a new tab…. Close the cluster by clicking the small x in top right corner of enlarged photos.

Single shots of Wilbur, 2017:

And from years past, other WODUs I have known:

From Burnaby Lake, 2016:

From Belmont Pond, 2016, a photo with a twist…taken on a very calm day!

Wood Duck drake - 2a
Giggle if you get this!

WODU-lings, Burnaby Lake, 2016:

“Mom’s gonna be REAL mad if you get us lost, Winki!

There are more images, but that’s enough for now. Here’s a little background on these wonderful Wood Ducks from a couple of Internet sources.

Wood Duck migration range Audubon.png

From (quotations combined)

Beautiful and unique, this duck of woodland ponds and river swamps has no close relatives, except for the Mandarin Duck of eastern Asia. Abundant in eastern North America in Audubon’s time, the Wood Duck population declined seriously during the late 19th century because of hunting and loss of nesting sites [due to cutting of large trees, combined with hunting pressure]. Its recovery to healthy numbers was an early triumph of wildlife management. Legal protection and provision of nest boxes helped recovery; many thousands of nest boxes now occupied by Wood Ducks in U.S. and southern Canada. In recent years, apparently has been expanding range in north and west.”

From Cornell Lab of Ornithology (LoO):

“These birds live in wooded swamps, where they nest in holes in trees or in nest boxes put up around lake margins. They are one of the few duck species equipped with strong claws that can grip bark and perch on branches. 

Cool Facts

  • Natural cavities for nesting are scarce, and the Wood Duck readily uses nest boxes provided for it. If nest boxes are placed too close together, many females lay eggs in the nests of other females.
  • The Wood Duck nests in trees near water, sometimes directly over water, but other times over a mile away. After hatching, the ducklings jump down from the nest tree and make their way to water. The mother calls them to her, but does not help them in any way. The ducklings may jump from heights of over 50 feet without injury.
  • Wood Ducks pair up in January, and most birds arriving at the breeding grounds in the spring are already paired. The Wood Duck is the only North American duck that regularly produces two broods in one year. [In my observations, however, the male often departs after the brood reaches water, leaving all rearing chores to his mate!]
  • The oldest recorded Wood Duck was a male and at least 22 years, 6 months old. He had been banded in Oregon and was found in California.

Nesting Facts

  • Clutch Size: 6–16 eggs
  • Number of Broods: 1-2
  • Egg Length: 4.6–6.1 cm (1.8–2.4 in) Egg Width: 3.5–4.2 cm (1.4–1.7 in)
  • Egg Description: Glossy creamy white to tan. Incubation Period: 28–37 days
  • Nestling Period: 56–70 days
  • Condition at Hatching: Chicks hatch alert and with a full coat of down. A day after hatching they leave the nest by jumping out of the entrance.

Nest Description

  • Nest cavities can have openings as small as 4 inches across, and these may be preferred because they are harder for predators to enter. Wood Ducks sometimes use much larger openings, up to a couple of feet across. Cavity depths are variable; they average about 2 feet deep but in rotten trees can be 15 feet deep (the young use their clawed feet to climb out). Nest boxes of many designs have proved very popular and successful with Wood Ducks*, though plastic nest boxes can overheat in strong sun. The female lines the nest with down feathers she takes from her breast.
  • *We are waiting to see if the 3 WODU nest boxes installed in Belmont Pond (winter of 2016-7) will be accepted by any of the species that visit the pond this spring.

Nest Placement

  • Breeding pairs search for nest cavities during early morning. The male stands outside as the female enters and examines the site. They typically choose a tree more than 1 foot and often 2 feet in diameter, with a cavity anywhere from 2–60 feet high (higher sites seem to be preferred). These cavities are typically places where a branch has broken off and the tree’s heartwood has subsequently rotted. Woodpecker cavities are used less frequently. Wood Ducks cannot make their own cavities. The nest tree is normally situated near to or over water, though Wood Ducks will use cavities up to 1.2 miles from water.”

Finally, for those who made it this far, when Nana and I purchased a signed print of Robert Bateman’s wonderful “On the pond — Wood Ducks” (below), I had the chance to ask the artist whether he preferred the Wood Ducks or the Mandarin Ducks that he had done in Asia. I explained that I had seen both in the wild, the latter in Japan in my days in Sapporo. He was eager to discuss for a moment as he was about to head off to Hokkaido and wanted to know if I could tell him anything about the marsh he was headed to. (I could and did, but that’s not the story.)

He answered my question without hesitation, partly by avoiding it. He said that “Wood Ducks” was far more memorable because it had become his bête noire — a work he had struggled with off and on for 11 years before he finally declared it was as good as it was ever going to get. The light* was the main issue that he felt he couldn’t quite resolve.

On his affection for Wood Ducks, Bateman has said,

“My admiration does not stop at their appearance. I love the kind of place where they live. I have a soft spot in my heart for swamps with the lushness, the still water, the reflections, the complex light and the abundance of wildlife. Some of my happiest hours have been spent in and around swamps, watching and listening. Perhaps if I am very lucky I will hear a prothonotary warbler. But It is always a thrill to hear the shrill, questioning call of a wood duck as a pair (virtually always a pair) takes off and swiftly, almost miraculously, dashes between the trees and disappears. The glimpse is worth it.”

Now that I’m committed to photography, I believe I know what he means….

The Bateman print hangs in our dining room where we can enjoy it every day!

*In his memoir, Life Sketches (Simon & Shuster Canada, 2015) Bateman discusses light on p.219:

“Light, I tell students, is critical. I love backlit scenes, or scenes lit from the side. I like diffuse light, the kind offered on a cloudy day. I love mist and fog and ambience. But when you paint a scene where there is any kind of light, the key question is this: Where is the light coming from? Every shadow in that painting must be true to the source of light. I tell students: Be a slave, not to the creature you’re depicting, or the feathers on that bird’s body, or the landscape your describing, but to the light source and the form that it reveals.”

Wise words: a challenge I can spend the rest of my days working on….

BLRd Bonanza, part two — Say’s Phoebe

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For Part 1Mountain Bluebirds, click here.

Finally, a bird I’ve been very pleased to see in widespread locations this Spring. I understand they’re even abundant at The Coast this year: the Say’s Phoebe (Sayornis saya). I’ve been fascinated with them for decades, but only starting finding them in the last 7 years or so — always in the Okanagan. The group below could have been put into a cluster, but, as they’re my best shots of this species, so far, I’m giving them full feature treatment!

Say's Phoebe (Sayornis saya) - 1
Say’s Phoebe —as well as I can capture one! Can’t determine the gender….
Say's Phoebe (Sayornis saya) - 2
A little more subdued, I think. SAPHs often offer a delicate side….
Say's Phoebe (Sayornis saya) - 3
Extremely subtle differences from the first shot above…. I like the first one better, but I’d have been delighted with this one if it had been the only one I got!
Say's Phoebe (Sayornis saya) - 4
And finally, this one, the “Ain’t I sweet?” pose. A female, perhaps? No matter! We see each other….

Thanks to Cornell’s Lab of Ornithology for the maps above and the description below.

Like other phoebes, the Say’s Phoebe is seemingly undaunted by people and often nests on buildings. These open-country birds have cinnamon-washed underparts and a rather gentle expression. They sally from low perches to snatch insects in midair or pounce on them on the ground. Say’s Phoebes often pump their tails while perched on a wire, fence post, or low bush. They breed farther north than any other flycatcher and are seemingly limited only by the lack of nest sites.” (

Cool Facts about Say’s Phoebe (

  • Charles Bonaparte, a nephew of Napoleon, named the Say’s Phoebe after American naturalist Thomas Say, the first scientist to encounter the bird, at a site near Cañon City, Colorado, in 1819. During the same expedition, Say also collected 10 additional bird species. Despite finding several new bird species in his career, Say is perhaps better known as the “father of American entomology.”
  • Say’s Phoebes have been in the U.S. for a long time. Paleontologists discovered Say’s Phoebe fossils in Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas dating back to about 400,000 years ago (the late Pleistocene).
  • The Say’s Phoebe breeds farther north than any other flycatcher and is seemingly limited only by the lack of nest sites. Its breeding range extends from central Mexico all the way to the arctic tundra. It may be following the Alaska pipeline even farther north, nesting on the pipeline itself.
  • When a Say’s Phoebe finds a good nesting site, it often uses the nest year after year. In central Kansas a Say’s Phoebe reused the same nest 5 years in a row.
  • Say’s Phoebes will nest just about anywhere: in mailboxes, on machinery, and even in old nests built by other species. Researchers reported them using nests built by Black and Eastern phoebes, Cliff, Bank, and Barn swallows, and American Robins.
  • Say’s Phoebes tend to perch on low shrubs or even grasses from which they sally out to grab flying insects. They often wag or pump their tails when perched, although they do this less often than either Eastern or Black phoebes. Their flight is direct, buoyant, and graceful. They form pair bonds early in the spring, although it is unclear if pairs stay together for multiple years. Males escort females around to potential nest sites. He flutters his wings while chattering to the female until she selects a spot to build a nest. One or both phoebes often return to the same territory year after year, sometimes even reusing nests from the previous year, but it’s not clear if it is with the same mate. During the nonbreeding season, phoebes are mostly solitary.”

Again, thanks to Cornell LoO for this info. Please be sure to visit their site, too!

BLRd Bonanza mid April: part one — MOBLs

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Part 1 (below): Mountain Bluebirds.

For Part 2, Say’s Phoebe, click here.

April 15, 2007: Lots of photos here from my April 14th trip up Beaver Lake Road (out of Winfield, BC, just north of Kelowna). The goal was Mountain Bluebird (Sialia curricoides) images. Had quite a time paring down from the dozens I took. So, today, less text, more images! For more on Mountain Bluebirds, see my earlier post, here:

The pair at Nest Box 12 were still there, and on this day had some friends along. More on them in a bit! Click image below to enlarge it in a new tab. Scroll down on any enlarged cluster image, and click View Original Size to see it fully blown up!

Mountain Bluebird male (Sialia curricoides) - 11
Best shot of the day, I think. Click image to enlarge in a new tab….
Mountain Bluebird male (Sialia curricoides) - 1
MOBL male at #12 nest box.

I was quite enjoying myself. There’s some challenge in getting this close to Mountain Bluebirds; over the years, I’ve gotten to know a few secrets…. On this occasion, I witnessed something for the very first time — a bird choking and coughing up the source of its distress. Sadly, the the images didn’t start out well, as the rail is in better focus than the bird. But all’s well that ends well, right? Check it out: click any photo in any cluster below to enlarge them all.

MOBLs are my favourite bluebird. I never tire of seeing them. Photographing them is always challenging, trying to get the right pose and right bokeh. Here are some against the hillside rather than the sky.

 And finally, for the male MOBLs, some Blue on blue images…. Did I say blue is my favourite colour?

I did not do so well with Moby’s mate this time out, as you can see in this pair of images:

Mountain Bluebird female (Sialia curricoides) - 1
Female Mountain Bluebird, Beaver Lake Road near Winfield, BC. – 1
Mountain Bluebird female (Sialia curricoides) - 2
Female Mountain Bluebird, Beaver Lake Road near Winfield, BC. – 2

But the trip also revealed a couple of mutual friends of MOBLs and me, like this fellow below. The other friend is found in Part 2: click here.

Columbian Ground Squirrel (Urocitellus columbianus).jpg
Columbian Ground Squirrels were abundant! I’ll get lots of photos of them here and elsewhere over Spring and Summer. In this one, was just trying to be creative….

Nothin’ here but Osoyoos Ospreys….

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For my favourite presentation of the young Ospreys of Kelowna Rec Field in August 2015, click this link: it will open in a new tab….

April 12, 2017: Although one of the Ospreys of Mission Rec Field returned last Saturday, with a softball game going on right below, it took off and headed towards the mouth of Mission Creek. Haven’t seen it since despite checking the Field regularly. Something similar happened last Spring, so haven’t given up hope just yet. Still, if they have abandoned this site, where MayB refused to stay last Autumn, and which Red-tails and Bald Eagles have defiled this winter, I will be left with a big hole in my heart! Prey for us!

Sooo, in lieu of photos of “our” Ospreys, here are some shots from our trip to Osoyoos River’s floodplain yesterday. To read about the trip, click this link. On this post, all you can do is see photos: click any photo to enlarge ’em all….

Warning: some of the shots here are not worthy of posting to Flickr or other photo websites, but I’ve posted them herefor illustrative purposes. Sometimes, all they illustrate is that they deserved trashing in the first place, heh-heh-heh!

Poppa Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
Poppa Osprey is not quite all there!

To enlarge photos in a cluster and see captions, click on any one….

There are a few things I hoped you noticed. For starters, the sky colour is inconsistent — for a couple of reasons. First, processing for light and colour can create differences. Second, as the series was taken, the sky itself changed as clouds came and went. Third, the bird was in different parts of her orbit at different times….

Momma put on a great aerial show! One thing I hope you picked up on is her necklace — pretty much absent in the male. Also, she has one dark, central tail feather that’s quite obvious in these shots. I’d never noticed this in other birds; it’s not obvious in Poppa’s flight shot. After going back through photos of other Osprey, it appears that this feature may be present to some degree in both genders. Now, it’s something I’ll be looking for….

Finally, it would be hard to justify so many photos in one Flickr series. Here, however, I’m able to post shots that seem quite similar, but which, upon more careful observation, reveal some of the fine adjustments an Osprey makes in flight….

Out and about or ‘South, for a last time’…

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Yes, you are meant to sing this posts’s title’s last five words — à la Johnny Horton!

Okanagan South map.pngApril 11, 2017: With strong assurance that we had a sunny day at last, Nana and I set out for White Lake and Osoyoos hoping to discover whatever we could. There’s less disappointment with such vague objectives, you know….

Truth be told (and shouldn’t it always?), we were looking for Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia curricoides), Western Meadowlarks (Sturnella neglecta), and Nature-willing,  Yellow-rumped Warblers (Setophaga coronata). Won’t keep you in suspense — we found ’em all right, yet came home with not one decent photo of any of ’em. Not the right day. Nice to see, but far too far off to fotograph!

Click the map at left (or any graphic where the cursor turns to a pointing hand) to enlarge it….

Before you start commiserating, however, let me finish. We did not return empty-memory-carded! At White Lake, right off the bat, I got some decent shots of a Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana). Actually wished later that I’d spent a little more time there, right across from the parking lot, but we had our targets and figured they were down the trail. We had some fun with meadowlarks, but they were smarter than we. As for the warblers, found that we could do better at home….

Click on any photo in the cluster to enlarge them all….

Violet-green Swallow
(Tachychineta thalassina) female in the stone foundation of our condo, Kelowna.

We didn’t linger long at the lake. Instead we headed south to Osoyoos and famous Road 22 which crosses the Osoyoos River floodplain just north of Osoyoos Lake. At this time of year we can expect to see Ospreys freshly returned from their winter homes in the States, as well as a few other migrants navigating northwards. As we crossed the river and turned south onto the dike road, we saw a flight of Violet-green Swallows (Tachychineta thalassina), a couple of hundred I’d guess, swarming around the bridge area. As we have these at home, we didn’t take time to shoot any….

We did enjoy some success with the Ospreys, however. There are three nests in the floodplain that I’m aware of, and pairs occupied each one . We focused on the largest and most colourful nest, perhaps in the whole Okanagan Valley, maybe in BC, maybe even the world, (!) not that it matters. I’ve provided just three Osprey shots here but if you want more, click this link….  To enlarge the photos, below, click on the —oh, you know…!

On our way back to Oliver, we chose to take the Nimkip Road through Osoyoos Indian Band lands (the road is provincial). Near the junction of Rd. 22 and Sage Rd. sits an old barn and, across the road, some other sadly deteriorated ranch buildings. There we enjoyed great looks at some Say’s Phoebes (Sayornis saya), which seem to be in abundance through their BC range this year. Came away with one acceptable photo.

Say's Phoebe (Sayornis saya).jpg

From Oliver, we drove to Vaseux Lake and up McIntyre Rd. (which Google insists on calling Dulton Creek Rd. Apple Maps, for once, gets it right!)  This area is collectively referred to as McIntyre Bluffs (or sometimes Vaseux Bluffs). See map above.

It’s home to a variety of wildlife, both avian and four-legged. We saw (and interacted again) with meadowlarks (still denied the quality shots we got last year).  We saw four mule deer, which, after spotting us, turned their attention to a predator they could see, but we couldn’t. Although they stayed put, the here was giving it undivided attention. As the Mulies were too far away to photograph, we didn’t.

On the way up to the ranch on McIntyre Bluff, we stopped to appreciate a rather thin and tired looking California Bighorn ewe. Nana wanted to go look for the rest of the herd, but that came later on our way home….

Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura)
Turkey Vulture at the ranch above Vaseux Lake near Oliver, BC.

After turning around, a km or so past the ranch, we were startled on our way back down, just as we approached the feedlot, to find a wake of Turkey Vultures (nine altogether) mostly on the ground but also flying in and out. Must admit that I was struck with vulture fever! Stopping the car as close as I could on the opposite side of the road (with no traffic, that was a mistake!), I rolled down the window and attempted to shoot between strands of the barbed wire fence. While the opportunity was fabulous, the fence was a foil. To get the results I wanted, I had to get out and hope that in their frenzy, the ol’ buzzards would stay put and let me shoot. Alas, not happening on this day! While I got the closest ever to TUVUs, the images produced are not nearly as good as they should be. Were I doing it again, I’d drive to the wrong side of the road close to the fence; I think the TUVUs were oblivious to the machine but not to the man…. One of those situations where one is seen exulting and beard-muttering at the same time!

Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura).jpg
Sort of what I felt like doing when I got such a feeble result!

On the way down the highway, located “our Ewe” again, and observed her and 21 others in the herd, by Nana’s count. There may have been more. No rams, however…. To enlarge any photo below, click on it!

Vaseux Lake Bluff.jpg
The view of Vaseux Bluff from McIntyre Bluff. Can you spot “Ewe”?
California Bighorn ewes and lambs.jpg
Ewe is a sweetheart!
California Bighorn ewes and lambs (1).jpg
One dozen of the herd. Nana counted 22 in all….

Finally,  from the new tower-blind at the Vaseux Lake “Important Birding Area” (a lot more on this fraud some other day!), one last look at Vaseux Lake and Bluff.

Vaseux Lake from the IBA blind.jpg
Vaseux Lake from the beautiful new tower-blind. Sadly, the same old lousy birding spot!

For the post on Osoyoos Ospreys only, click this link….

Kessie, the American Kestrel update

April 2017: Recently, I discussed the winter raptors of “my beat” in the Thomson and Michaelbrook Marshes that mark the boundaries of Kelowna’s Recreational Fields in Lower Mission. I began that post by featuring a female American Kestrel that I have been flirting with (actually, I have to give her most of the credit, here) since Spring 2015.

I named her “Kessie.” Seemed reasonable, I thought. Last year, I had the privilege of watching her mate with “Amke“, a handsome but less interactive bird not far from their nesting tree on the southwest edge of Michaelbrook Marsh. This Spring, sometime in late February and through March, she began spending more time in that part of my beat.  In the first week of April I have twice watched them copulate on different days. Most of the photos  in this post are not spectacular, but I’d like to share them with Kestrel lovers everywhere:

American Kestrel pair
Kessie on the left and Amke, her mate, on the right above Michaelbrook Marsh.

Click on clusters of photos like the ones below to open them in a new tab….

The parents to be….


Getting together looked pleasant enough:

American Kestrels breeding (Falco sparverius)
Not the most glamorous place for a romantic occasion. Two days later I watched them re-couple on a branch near the nesting tree.

Preparing for the trials of parenthood starts with nutrition….


Kessie greets us on an evening visit.

Kessie in the evening near nest
I whistle and she gives me her attention; this has been going on for four months….
Kessie in the evening near nest
Basking in some evening sunshine, April 9, 2017.

(Above) Kessie looks more serious, somehow, than she did two months ago (below)….

Kessie, January 31, 2017.

We’ll keep an eye on this pair and hope to see offspring in due course.


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Wood Duck (Aix sponsa)
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